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export medical materials to meet the contract quality requirements.              语言及计算机能力 Language and computer abilities           日语流利  英语良好  普通话  上海话        l Fluent in Japanese, speak quite good English and being a native speaker of Mandarin and Shanghai dialects.                     熟练操作各办公软件  自如运用互联网信息资源      l Skillfully use various office-running software and can use Internet information resource at ease.       职业综述          Professional Overview   八年国企研究所承担天然药物从研发到投产项目的经验          l Eight years experience of engaging natural medicine projects from the stages of research and development to putting them into production in state-owned research institutions.    三年国外大学研究院新药评价研究经验      l Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines.   三年外企市场策划  业务开拓  技术支持经验      l Three years experience in foreign investment enterprises of marketing strategy, business development and technical support.   二年私营企业经营经验     l Two years experience in private-owned enterprise of business operation.   二年大型制药生产基地项目组建、对外合作、项目谈判经验     l Two years experience in big-sized pharmaceutical manufacturing base of project initialization, foreign cooperation and project negotiation.   基于日本留学和一流公司的工作经验,对日本的企业文化、商业、 法律与社会背景的亲生体验和理解,具备把国际化的思维与本地化的 实践相结合、融会贯通从而发掘市场商机的能力       l Based on studying in Japan and working for the first-class Japanese firms, have personal experience and understanding toward Japan’s corporate culture and the commercial, legal and social background, thus have possessed an ability to tackle business opportunity by combining the international thinking with the localized practice.      具备与行业部门、相关政府部门、科研机关开展良好合作、及个性化 友好关系的能力 &nbs

p; l Being capable of cooperating with the trade management divisions, governmental bodies and technical research institutions on good basis. Also possess an ability to engage a personalized public relation issue.       兴趣爱好    Interests and hobbies                     音乐、金融、高尔夫球等户外运动              * Music, finance and the outdoor sports such as golf etc.


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